How To Cook: |
1. Get any fish you fancy, scale them and clean them well. If the fish is one large one, cut it in 3 or 4 pieces, sprinkle some salt over and let it stand for a little while.
2. Put a teacupful of olive oil in a frying pan with 4 or 5 sliced onions, and a handful or two of chopped parsley.
3. Put it on the fire and fry it golden-brown.
4. Then lay half of it on the bottom of a rather deep baking dish and place the fish over, then the other half of the onions and parsley on top, with the oil that is left in the frying pan.
5. Add ˝ teacupful of wine vinegar and 1 of water, and the tomatoes cut in four crossways.
6. Put into a moderate oven (375°F) for 20 minutes or so.
7. When nicely baked, dish it up and serve.