All Easy Recipes. Cook all that you can cook. Boiled Asparagus
(Asperges au Naturel)
What You Need:            (To serve 6)
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  • 3 pounds fresh asparagus
  • 6 quarts water
  • 3 tablespoons salt

  • How To Cook:
    1. Line up the asparagus tips evenly and cut off the butt ends to make all the spears the same length. With a small, sharp knife, not a vegetable peeler, peel each asparagus of its skin and tough outer flesh.

    2. At the butt end, the peeling may be as thick as 1/16 inch, but it should gradually become paper thin as the knife cuts and slides toward the tip. Wash the peeled spears in cold water. Divide the asparagus into five or six equal bundles, and tie the bundles together with soft string at both the tip and butt ends.

    3. In an enameled or stainless steel kettle or oval casserole large enough to hold the asparagus horizontally, bring the water and salt to a bubbling boil.

    4. Drop in the asparagus bundles and bring the water back to a boil. Reduce the heat to moderate and boil uncovered for 8 to 10 minutes, or until the butt ends are tender but still slightly resistant when pierced with the tip of a sharp knife. Do not overcook the asparagus.

    5. Using two kitchen forks, lift the bundles out of the water by their strings. Lay them on towels to drain, then cut off the strings. Serve the asparagus hot with melted butter or hollandaise.Or chill and serve cold with vinaigrette sauce or mayonnaise.

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