All Easy Recipes. Cook all that you can cook. Braised Lamb In Wine And Orange Sauce
(Guisado De Carnero)
What You Need:            (To Serve: 6)
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  • ¼ cup vegetable oil
  • 3 pounds lean, boneless shoulder of lamb, trimmed of excess fat and cut into 2-inch cubes
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 cup dry white wine
  • ¾ cup strained fresh orange juice
  • ¼ cup strained fresh lime juice
  • 2 tablespoons seedless raisins
  • 1 tablespoon capers, drained and coarsely chopped
  • 3 medium-sized pimiento-stuffed green olives, coarsely chopped
  • 2 teaspoons finely chopped garlic
  • 1 teaspoon finely chopped fresh hot chilies
  • 2 whole cloves
  • 1 medium-sized bay leaf
  • 12 hot boiled new potatoes

  • How To Cook:
    1. In a heavy 3- to 4-quart casserole, heat the oil over moderate heat until a light haze forms above it. Pat the pieces of lamb completely dry with paper towels and sprinkle them with salt and a few grindings of pepper.

    2. Brown the lamb in the hot oil, a few pieces at a time, turning them with tongs or a spoon and regulating the heat so they color quickly and evenly without burning. As they brown, transfer the pieces of meat to a plate.

    3. Pour off all but a thin film of fat from the casserole and in its place add the wine. Bring to a boil over high heat, meanwhile stirring and scraping in the brown particles clinging to the bottom of the pan.

    4. Add the orange juice, lime juice, raisins, capers, olives, garlic, chilies, cloves and bay leaf, then return the lamb and the juices that have accumulated around it to the casserole.

    5. Reduce the heat to low, cover tightly and simmer for 1½ hours, or until the lamb is tender and shows no resistance when pierced with the point of a sharp knife.

    6. Before serving, taste for seasoning and discard the bay leaf. Mound the lamb attractively in the center of a heated platter and arrange the potatoes around it. Pour the wine and orange sauce over the meat and serve at once.

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