All Easy Recipes. Cook all that you can cook. Sweetened Brown Beans
(Bruna Bonor)
What You Need:            (To Serve: 4)
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  • 1¾ cups imported Swedish dried brown beans
  • 5 cups water
  • 1½ teaspoons salt
  • ½ cup white vinegar
  • ½ cup dark corn syrup
  • 1 tablespoon dark brown sugar

  • How To Cook:
    1. Wash the beans thoroughly in cold running water. Since the beans will expand considerably as they soak, put them in a large pot with 5 cups of cold water.

    2. Bring to a boil, turn off the heat and let the beans soak, uncovered, for at least 1 hour (or you may soak them overnight in cold water and omit he boiling process).

    3. Whichever method you choose to cook the beans, bring the soaked beans to a boil in their soaking water, then half cover the pot and simmer over very low heat for 1 hour.

    4. Stir in the salt, vinegar, corn syrup and brown sugar, and continue cooking slowly. The beans should be tender in another hour, and the sauce should be brown and thick.

    5. However, dried beans vary enormously in their moisture content, and the cooking time may be longer or shorter by as much as half an hour. To make certain that the beans do not overcook, test by eating one occasionally.

    6. If the cooking liquid evaporates too much before the beans are done, add a little water. If, on the other hand, the sauce has not thickened sufficiently by the time the beans are almost done, boil them rapidly, uncovered, over high heat to reduce the liquid.

    7. This dish is often served with slices of Canadian bacon or boiled sausage.

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