All Easy Recipes. Cook all that you can cook. Shredded Kale Greens
(Couve A Mineira)
What You Need:            (To Serve: 8 to 10)
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  • 5 pounds kales greens, or substitute 5 pounds collard greens
  • ¾ cup bacon fat
  • 1½ teaspoons salt

  • How To Cook:
    1. Wash 'the kale or collard greens under cold running water. With a sharp knife, trim away any bruised or blemished spots and cut the leaves from their tough stems. Shred the leaves into ¼-inch strips.

    2. In a large pot, bring 4 quarts of water to a boil over high heat. Drop in the greens and cook them uncovered for 3 minutes. Then drain them in a colander, pressing down on the greens with a spoon to extract all their liquid.

    3. In a heavy 10- to 12-inch skillet, melt the bacon fat over moderate heat, and when it is hot, but not smoking, add the greens. Cook, stirring frequently, for 30 minutes, or until the greens are tender, but slightly crisp. Don't let them brown.

    4. Stir in the salt and serve at once. If the greens must wait, cover them with foil, and keep them warm in a preheated 250° oven.

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