All Easy Recipes. Cook all that you can cook. Bacon - Wrapped Sausages
What You Need:            (To Serve: 4)
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  • 8 rashers bacon
  • 4 teaspoons mustard
  • 1 pound sausages
  • 4 oz cheddar cheese, sliced

  • How To Cook:
    1. Barbecue the sausages over medium coals for about 15 minutes, and then slice them lengthways, almost through.

    2. Fill with cheese slices and press the frankfurters together again.

    3. Spread the rashers of bacon with mustard and wrap around the sausages, securing the ends with wooden cocktail sticks.

    4. Place on the grill again and cook over medium coals for a further 5 minutes, or until cheese melts and bacon is crisp.

    5. Serve with a mixed green salad and potato chips.

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