All Easy Recipes. Cook all that you can cook. Tessin Mushroom Risotto
What You Need:            (To Serve: 4 - 6)
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  • 1 - 2 medium-sized onions
  • 2 pints meat stock or diluted meat extract
  • 2 oz butter
  • 2 small packets of powdered saffron
  • 1 pound rice
  • 1½ oz dried mushrooms soaked in tepid water to make them swell
  • Salt and pepper
  • Grated cheese

  • How To Cook:
    1. Chop the onions finely and lightly fry in the butter without letting them turn brown; remove with a skimming ladle.

    2. Put the rice into the same butter and stir gently to mix.

    3. Chop the drained mushrooms and add to the rice.

    4. Heat the stock, season with saffron, salt and pepper and pour over the rice.

    5. Stir and cook over a low heat until the rice is tender and has absorbed all the liquid-about 20 minutes.

    6. Serve with finely grated cheese.

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