All Easy Recipes. Cook all that you can cook. Chicken Pilau
(Shirini Pilau)
What You Need:            (To Serve: 4 - 6)
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  • 2 good-sized chickens, cooked in aluminum foil until very tender
  • 1 orange
  • 1 lemon
  • Pistachio nuts
  • Raisins (seedless)
  • Butter
  • Salt
  • Rice

  • How To Cook:
    1. When the chickens are done, carve carefully, using only good thick slices of breast. Keep the rest for some other dish. Put in the oven in covered dish to keep hot. Peel the orange. Boil it with the lemon for about 10 minutes or until the pith is soft.

    2. Cut the lemon and scrape out fruit and pith with a spoon so as not to pierce the skin. Scrape pith from orange skin. Shred both in very fine slivers like thick threads about an inch long.

    3. Peel the pistachios and shred. Wash and dry the raisins. Boil the rice with plenty of salt until the grains are only just done. Take off and drain at once, drying in a cloth if necessary.

    4. The grains must be clean and separate. Toss with a good piece of butter while hot. Mix the rice well with the nuts, raisins and shredded peel, and then bank some on a big dish.

    5. Arrange the chicken over it and cover the chicken completely with the remainder of the rice so that only a mound of rice shows. Keep hot by steaming until ready to serve.

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