All Easy Recipes. Cook all that you can cook. Passover Beet Preserves
What You Need:            (To Serve: 2 - 4)
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  • 3 pound beetroot
  • 1 pound honey
  • 1 pound sugar
  • 2 tablespoons ground ginger
  • ½ pound blanched, chopped almonds

  • How To Cook:
    1. Cook beetroot in cold water to cover. When tender, skin and cut into thin strips or dice.

    2. Bring honey, sugar and ginger to the boil in a deep pot and add beetroot.

    3. Turn down heat and cook till the syrup is thick, approximately 30 minutes.

    4. Do not stir during cooking but shake the pot gently to prevent burning or sticking.

    5. Stir in chopped or slivered almonds and turn into jam jars or a stoneware crock.

    6. Store away from light to prevent discoloration.

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