All Easy Recipes. Cook all that you can cook. Rose - Petal Jam
(Ghyulbe - Sheker)
What You Need:           
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  • 1 pound of the rose petals
  • ¾ pint water
  • 3½ pound sugar

  • How To Cook:
    1. When the roses are in full bloom, gather about 1 pound of the petals, pick out the large ones, and cut the white ends off with a pair of scissors.

    2. Put the small ones and the white ends in a very clean stew pan with ¾ pint of water and scald them.

    3. Pass the liquor through a piece of muslin or a sieve, squeeze the petals well and throw them away, then put the liquor in the pan with 3½ pound white sugar, and stir them with a wooden spoon until the sugar is dissolved.

    4. Then add the large petals that you have picked out, stir and boil till rather thick.

    5. Try a little on a plate. If it sets, then remove it from the fire.

    6. When cold, fill the preserve jars, cover them in the usual way, and keep them in a rather cool place.

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