All Easy Recipes. Cook all that you can cook. Crystallised Watermelon
What You Need:           
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  • Water melon
  • 2½ teaspoons lime juice
  • Water
  • Sugar

  • How To Cook:
    1. Peel and halve a water melon, remove the soft flesh from the centre, with all the seeds, then cut the firm pink flesh into strips and weigh them.

    2. Prick the pieces all over with a sharp fork and put into a large jar or basin.

    3. Mix lime juice with 1 quart cold water and pour over the melon, taking care to cover all the strips.

    4. Cover with a plate, weight this down and leave for 24 hours.

    5. Make syrup with 1 pound sugar and 1 pint water to every 1 pound melon.

    6. Bring the syrup to the boil and meanwhile wash the melon thoroughly to remove the lime flavor.

    7. Put the melon into the syrup, add sufficient ginger to give a good flavor and cook until the melon is clear and most of the syrup is absorbed.

    8. Drain the melon, arrange the pieces on a flat tray, cover with muslin and dry in the sun or in a cool oven.

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