All Easy Recipes. Cook all that you can cook. Aberffraw Cake Or Shortbread
(Teisen "Berffro")
The cakes were originally baked in scallop shells, hence the scallop markings. 'Berffro' is short for Aberffraw, in Anglesey, the seat of the old Welsh Parliament.

What You Need:           
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  • 6 oz butter
  • 4 oz caster sugar
  • 8 oz plain flour

  • How To Cook:
    1. Rub the butter into the flour and sugar and continue kneading without adding any moisture until you have a smooth, pliable paste.

    2. Roll out fairly thinly on a well-floured board and cut into rounds the size of a small cup.

    3. Mark each round with the impress of a scallop shell and bake in a moderate oven (375°F).

    4. Cool on the baking tray, and when cold sprinkle lavishly with caster sugar.

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