All Easy Recipes. Cook all that you can cook. Irish Stew
Although this is usually made only with potatoes and onions, a variation especially favored by sailors often contains large pieces of swede and/or carrots and is served with dumplings.

What You Need:            (To Serve: 4 - 6)
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  • 2 pound neck or flank of mutton
  • 1 pound onions
  • 4 pound potatoes
  • Salt and pepper

  • How To Cook:
    1. Cut the meat into neat pieces and slice the potatoes and onions.

    2. Put the meat into a pan with ¼ pint water and some salt, bring to the boil and skim.

    3. Add the potatoes, onions and pepper and cook slowly for 2½ - 3 hours, till the meat is tender.

    4. If desired, slice half the potatoes and cook the rest whole, adding them to the stew 40 minutes before serving.

    5. Arrange the whole potatoes neatly round a hot dish, pile the meat in the center, and pour the gravy round.

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