All Easy Recipes. Cook all that you can cook. Mashed Potatoes
What You Need:            (To Serve: 2 - 4)
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  • 2 pound potatoes
  • ¾ pint milk
  • ½ oz butter
  • A little grated nutmeg

  • How To Cook:
    1. Cook potatoes and while they are still warm, mash, mince or sieve them.

    2. Put milk in a saucepan, add butter and a little grated nutmeg and boil.

    3. Add the potato at once and stir well; now, using a wooden spoon, whip until white and creamy.

    4. Serve at once, or put in a fireproof dish, dot with a little butter and brown under the grill or in the oven.

        Do not use potatoes which have been previously cooked and allowed to become cold.

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