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  Added: Aug 04, 2010  •  Visited (2306)  •  Print version Print this recipe (79)  •  eMail recipe eMail recipe  •  Write review  •  Not rated Rate this recipe
Alexandre Dumas' Potato Salad
(Salade Francillon)
      One of the world's most celebrated potato salads was first described in a play, 'Francillon', written by the noted Alexandre Dumas, fils, which was popular in Paris during the late 1800s. Whether Dumas actually created the salad is not certain, but it became the rage of Paris and has appeared on international menus ever since. On October 8, 1896, 'Salade Francillon' was on the elaborate menu of a dinner given by the President of France for Tsar Nicholas II of Russia.

      Over the years the salad, called either 'Francillon' or 'Alexandre Dumas potato salad', has appeared in many variations. But, this is the first and only salad recipe that was delivered on the stage. The original lines from Act 1, Scene 2, described the glorious creation that is still praiseworthy.

What You Need:
  • Potato
  • Mussels
  • Wine
  • Celery
  • Greens

  • How To Cook:
    Annette: Cook the potatoes in broth, cut them in slices as for an ordinary salad and, while they are still very hot, season them with salt, pepper, a very good fruity olive oil, vinegar.

    Henry: Tarragon?

    Annette: Orleans is better; but that is not important. The important thing is half a glass of white wine: 'Chateau-Yquem', if possible. Plenty of fines herbs finely chopped. At the same time cook in court bouillon some very large mussels with a stalk of celery; drain carefully and add to the potatoes.

    Henry: Not as many mussels as potatoes?

    Annette: A third less. So that, little by little, you smell the mussels. Yon must not be able to detect it; neither must it be too strong. When the salad is made, toss it lightly; arrange in the shape of a 'calotte de savant' (a wise man's skullcap) and cover it with sliced truffles.

    Henri: Cooked in champagne?

    Annette Of course. This must all be done two hours before dinner so that the salad is very cold when served.

    Henri: The salad bowl could be surrounded with ice.

    Annette: No! No! No! You must not hurry it. It is very delicate, and its various aromas must be allowed to blend quietly. Was the salad you ate today good?

    Henri: Marvelous!

    Annette: Well, follow my recipe, and you will have the same pleasure.

    This recipe is also available in:
    Cuisine » Europe » France
    Main Ingredient » Vegetables » Potatoes
    Main Ingredient » Shellfish » Mussels
    Main Ingredient » Condiments » Wine
    Dish » Salads


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