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  Added: Nov 28, 2007  •  Visited (251)  •  Print version Print this recipe (35)  •  eMail recipe eMail recipe  •  Write review  •  Not rated Rate this recipe
Carrots With Anise
What You Need:
  • 1 pound carrots
  • ¼ cup water
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • ½ teaspoon anise seed, crushed
  • ¼ cup orange juice
  • 1 tablespoon snipped parsley
  • Salt and pepper to taste

  • How To Cook:
    1. Scrape carrots; cut diagonally into ½ inch slices. Cook, covered, in a 1-quart casserole with ¼ cup water until almost tender (about 12 minutes).

    2. Allow for the residual cooking effect of the microwave oven on vegetables. It is essential to stir carrots several times during cooking in the microwave oven, to obtain even cooking.

    3. Place the butter and the crushed anise seed in a small dish and cook 2 minutes in the microwave oven. Add to the carrots.

    4. Stir in the orange juice, parsley, salt and pepper. Cook in the microwave a minute or two longer, to heat through.

    To Serve: 4
    This recipe is also available in:
    Cuisine » Europe » Italy
    Main Ingredient » Vegetables » Carrot
    Main Ingredient » Fruits » Orange
    Dish » Salads


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