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Glossary - J
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JACK FRUIT (jaca, jakfruit): Irregularly shaped fruit of a tropical tree related to the breadfruit, sometimes weighing as much as 70 pounds. Its yellowish-green hide is covered with closely set spines. When immature, its fibrous pulp is used as a vegetable, in soups or curries; when riper and sweeter it may be used in sherbets or fruit salads. Sometimes available in Latin American markets
JAGGERY (gur): Crude type of raw sugar made from the juice of the sugar cane or, occasionally, from the juice of certain types of palm trees. The juice is purified and boiled to produce sugar crystals lightly coated with molasses. Keeps indefinitely in a tightly covered jar. If jaggery is not available, you can make a substitute by combining 1 cup of dark-brown sugar with 1 tablespoon of dark molasses
JICAMA (yam bean): Jicama (pronounced hee-kah-mah) is a brownish root vegetable that somewhat resembles a rutabaga. It has a white, crisp flesh something like that of a potato, but it tastes like a fresh water chestnut. Generally quite large, the vegetable usually is sold whole, but also cut in half or quarters, in Latin American and Oriental markets. In Mexico jicama is eaten raw with chili powder and lemon juice us It popular street snack. It combines well with other vegetables and fruits in salads. Jicama is also a popular substitute for water chestnuts.
JUJUBES (red dates): Small, red dried fruit with puckered skin and a sweet, subtle prune like flavor. Sold by weight in Chinese specialty stores. Must be covered with boiling water and soaked 1 to 2 hours before using. Store in covered container. Substitute prunes, not California dates
JUNIPER BERRIES: The fruit of the juniper tree, about the size of peppercorns, they are available dried. They have a warm, pungent flavor of English gin and are widely used in European cooking. There is no substitute
JUNSAI: Wild delicacy sold in glass bottles in Japanese markets. Translated as "water shield" junsai has a slippery coating and is used as a vegetable garnish in soups
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